On the road to success.

Here’s 10 tips for the coffee competitor…

Navigating the rollercoaster that is the WBC circuit can be a test of ones endurance. When the coffee elite gather to highlight the product and skills they have spent months, even years putting into a 15 minute routine, the smallest of detail can be the deciding factor between success or failure.

Here i’ll share a few tips and tricks for getting the most out of the competition experience… 

Tip 1:    Learn how to pack your bag in 15 minutes. Like a professional game of tetris, earn your pack master rating by being ruthlessly efficient, only take it if you need it. Pack anything breakable so it can’t move, if it can move it can break. Leave space for your trophy 😉

Tip 2:    Always carry your coffee with you. Tape your valves as coffee dislikes altitude. Never send your coffee ahead. No coffee, no comp. If possible, organise to roast in country, this means your coffee doesn’t have to fly. I’ll say it again, coffee hates being sky high. 

Tip 3:    Insert your own ideas. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.  

Tip 4:    Conserve your energy. Competition effects everyone differently, however like most physical races you’ll perform better when the tank is full. So try not to hit the wine bars until after the events come to an end. Get rest and eat well.

Tip 5:    Not everyone can afford to bring an entourage, but having a mate can be handy. Even if it’s just for some moral support.

Tip 6:    Don’t compare yourself to others. Just get out there and enjoy the experience. You have earned the worlds attention. You’ve worked hard to get to this point. It will be over in an instant, so put the nerves aside and try to enjoy the moment. 

Tip 7:    Back stage, elbows out. Secure your space. Its a jungle out there.

Tip 8:    You’ll learn more from your mistakes and losses.  If doesn’t matter if it is your first or last rodeo, there is always room for professional growth….  remember if you travel home sans a trophy you can easily fill that space at duty free. 

Tip 9:    If you don’t win. Put on a smile. Only politicians get ahead by trash talking their opposition.  

Tip 10:   Call time. 


Q or not to Q that is the Q-uestion…